Hey guys! Sorry it has been a while but the last few weeks have been very busy. Tonight won't be a long post so let's just dive right in!

So I got my first package from the summer Soap crafting club (for more info on the SCC go here), and I was super excited because it came with Bramble Berry's vertical mold! This months soap soap was simply called the back and white soap (for obvious reasons) and was scented with pepperberry (the white side) and a 50/50 blend of cream cheese frosting and cinnamon sugar (black side). Out of the bottle I didn't think I would like it, the pepperberry smells like something during christmas (can't put my finger on it) and the cream cheese frosting and cinnamon sugar blend smelled like a pumpkin spice cake factory exploded and its fumes bottled. But, after I soaped it this soap smells devine! Even my mother, who hates food scents love the smell of this bar, it is spicy and rich and just oh so yummy! I won't really go into the design today because on Monday or Tuesday I will be posting the making video and you can get all the juicy details on this soap!
I also wanted to share some pictures of a soap I made with my friend a while back as a little bonus soap since this was such a short post!
We made this super fast so it isn't my best work but I still like it! The black (well grey) portions are scented with warm vanilla from Wholesale Supplies plus and the gold and black mica is from the Conservatorie. The white portion is unscented so the vanilla content won't discolor it and the little black spots are poppy seed, to represent the vanilla seeds.
Even though it had been about four weeks after cutting when I took these pictures you can see only the tops have discoloured. I was just wondering if y'all have experienced this because my other soaps brown faster and more evenly then this. A side note on this batch is it will also have a video.... a very interesting video, let's just say it is best for me to soap alone :).
Happy soaping and look out for a new series coming next Monday!